On May 6th, 2022 my family and I were headed to LAX airport. We had a full car including myself, wife, daughter, and our dog Cruze. To make a long story short about how Gaia our 2021 Subaru Outback Onyx XT that we loved for not even a year and a half had one job and she fulfilled that job that day keep myself and my family save. We were traveling down the 405 freeway right before the 10 freeway and like most Los Angeles traffic, we came to a full stop in the carpool lane. Sitting that for over a minute along with all the other lanes of traffic. I peaked up in my rearview mirror and saw this white car going in and out of the lanes recklessly and said out loud “He’s going to hit us”. Our daughter was sleeping at the time ( 14yrs old ) and I turned the car far left as I could so my side would take most of the hit from the girls and the next thing I knew, we flipped in the air and hit the K-rail and continued sliding down and rolled 3 times landing on our driver-side of the vehicle. Subaru’s S.0.S. system is what actually woke me up and I looked at my family to make sure everyone was ok and started smashing out the front window so I could pull everyone up. I was worried because we just filled up with fuel. We’re all still here and below are the images of Gaia after she saved us and I’m so grateful to Subaru for designing one amazing vehicle.

I want to say thank you to all of our sponsors that are continuing to be with us. They’ve made so many dreams and memories come through from my family and I on adventuring.